Senators Nuked the Filibuster in 1975. Then They Changed Their Minds.
All it took to change the outcome was one senator acting
McConnell Follows in Reid's Footsteps
Kentuckian tolerates even fewer amendments than his predecessor
Assessing McConnell's Role in Judicial Confirmations
Most of Trump’s nominees receive bipartisan support
A Senate Divided Cannot Focus
Republicans may reinvigorate the committee system and their leadership with one simple reform
Opaque Process Keeps Senators in the Dark
Republicans lack information about committee assignment process
Reforming the Senate's Hotline System
Republicans can direct their leaders to share more information
A Brief History of Senate Republican Leadership Elections
Competitive contests decline after term limits adopted
Senate Republicans and Term Limits
Treating Republican leaders the same will help reduce Senate dysfunction
Senators Can Decide When To Take A Break
They don’t need the majority leader’s permission.